

  • Token Name: EMDX

  • Token address: 0xe533B81297B820D2Eb2cd837263926596328E8D2

  • Ticker: EMDX

  • Type: ERC-20

  • Vesting address: 0xe36bDfffF8038Be6693339E43F9bBd36Ece75BF9

EMDX Live Price

<iframe height="100%" width="100%" id="geckoterminal-embed" title="GeckoTerminal Embed" src="" frameborder="0" allow="clipboard-write" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Total Supply

  • Quantity: 500,000,000


EMDX will allocate the tokens to the following groups:

Community 55% EMDX Tokens

Team 10% EMDX Tokens

Contributors 20% EMDX Tokens

DAO 15% EMDX Tokens

As EMDXv2 has been released implying substantial changes to protocol structure, the token distribution system was adjusted as well. We are working together with our community to update the delivery mechanism of EMDX tokens.


To facilitate achieving the strategic objectives and to align interests of all parties, tokens will be subject to a General Vesting Schedule based on a volume-ratio formula that measures the volume quartile scored by the EMDX platform within a group of decentralized exchanges comprising the top 100 DEX according to the CoinMarketCap Ranking for Decentralized Exchanges (the “EMDX’s Vesting Formula”) during the prior 60-day period (the “Scoring Epoch”). After each Scoring Epoch ends, the quartile position value achieved by the EMDX platform will be used for the token distribution formula on top of the corresponding vested tokens as is specified below:

Case scenarios:

The Quartile Score will be shown on the platform during the first day after the 60-day period (day 61). Distribution of the correspondent percentage will be executed during day 62 through an automated distribution system.

Our long-term token distribution supply will roughly follow this chart curve pattern:

Last updated